WHY should parents participate in HANDS?
Pregnancy and becoming a parent for the first time or even second time can bring on some overwhelming experiences which can cause worries, questions, and stress.
During pregnancy a parent may wonder:
- Are the feelings I’m having about my pregnancy typical?
- What physical changes and discomfort can be expected during pregnancy?
- What should I know before delivery and before bringing my baby home?
After the child arrives questions may include:
- How do I know what my baby needs when he cries?
- How do I help my baby feel secure and loved?
- When should my child begin walking and talking?
- How important is a dad’s role in a child’s development?
- What is appropriate discipline?
HANDS is available to answer these kinds of questions and provide parents with support in developing a parent-child relationship.
WHAT can parents expect?
All families will receive information and learn about community resources for new parents.
Some families will receive further support through home visitation. Right in their home, these families will engage in fun activities to learn more about:
- Having a healthy pregnancy
- Caring for their baby
- How to bond with their child
- How to provide their child with enriching learning experiences
- Creating a safe and healthy home
- Community Resources
- Child Development
WHO can participate? (At no cost to families)
First-time, new and expectant moms and/or dads can participate?
WHEN can participation begin?
Participation in HANDS can begin during pregnancy or anytime before a child is 3 months old.
HOW has HANDS improved Kentucky families’ lives?
Families who participated in HANDS (compared to families who did not participate) experienced:
- Fewer premature infants
- Fewer low birth weight babies (<5 lbs, 9 oz)
- Fewer very low birth weight babies (<3 lbs, 5 oz)
- Fewer developmental delays
Studies have shown that families who participate in HANDS in that first trimester of pregnancy experience even fewer incidence of the above.
Parent also reported improvements in their:
- Home’s safety
- Coping skills
- Support system
- Amount of stress
- Discipline techniques
- Anger management skills.
HANDS believes:
- All parents want to be good parents
- All parents want their children to be healthy.
- All families have strengths.
- Families are responsible for their children.
- Families are the primary decision makers regarding their children.
- Communities recognize their roles in children’s lives.
- Communities recognize that all children must succeed.
- Prevention and early intervention improve the community’s well being.
- Public and private partnerships are vital to a successful program.
Cabinet for Families and Children
Adult & Child Health Improvements
275 East Main Street
Frankfort, Ky. 40621