Powell County Health Department: Flooring Replacement
The Powell County Health Department (PCHD) is currently seeking bid proposals for the removal and replacement of flooring at the Health Department building, located at 376 North Main St. Stanton, KY 40380. The existing flooring shall be removed or covered, as appropriate, and replaced with Luxury Vinyl Flooring.
Replacement flooring shall be Luxury Vinyl, installed per the manufacturer product specifications. Proposals shall include the product “Stainmaster Luxury Vinyl, 7 mm Flooring”, Willow Oak in color.
Proposals shall be sealed and delivered to the address below by 4:00 PM EST on Wednesday, April 26, 2023. All bids shall include the name, address, telephone number and email address for the project contact. All bidders shall provide a W-9 and proof of general liability insurance.
The Powell County Health Department reserves the right to accept or reject any or all proposals received.
Powell County Health Department, 376 N. Main St., Stanton, KY 40380
Square Footage:
Approximately 3,000 square feet
- April 12, 2023- RFP Released
- April 18, 2023- Pre-Bid Site Visit (Optional)
- Interested bidders should plan to arrive at 8:30am EST.
- Attendees should come prepared to take measurements and gather
any necessary facts about the project.
- April 26, 2023- Sealed Bids Due by 4:00PM EST
Sealed proposals shall be submitted to:
Powell County Health Department
Attn: Stacy Crase/ RFP #23-001
376 N. Main St.
Stanton, KY 40380
All questions shall be submitted in writing to Stacy Crase at